Really AJ? Makin me look bad here!
Well after I posted that post 3 seconds ago....
Animal Jam's joyful christmas music started playing! Now i don't celebrate Christmas cause of my religion but I gotta admit... That music is joyful!
Today's Jamaa Journal cover of course.. The Daily gifts!
Pretty great if you ask me! Now they HAVE changed the way it looks when you pick your gifts. But to be honest, I like it!
But we'll get back to that in a sec!
They have new armor! Saying armor reminds me of Minecraft... NERD! Just kiddin. Well not really.. I AM a nerd... OFF TOPIC MUCH?
Also, in case you haven't noticed while I was gone...
There's a new animal coming! The deer!
Make sure you save up your money by playing them games!
There's also a new game coming to mobile devices! Jump! I think it might be like a doodle jump game! What do you guys think?
Now back to the daily gifts now that we've finished reading the Jamaa Journal!
I love the new look!
Todays gift is...
Jamaaliday Mat! New item!!
Do you guys think they're gonna bring back any old items?
Today's new item is the Epic Christmas Tree! What's Christmas without a tree?
Well that's all! MiniMilks signing off here!
See ya tomorrow!